live entertainment sydney
Pinchgut Opera exists so that we may touch lives, and to see our audiences transcend the everyday through the power of music and the beauty of the human voice.  We exist also, because of the generosity of our incredible family of donors.

We would like to sincerely thank everyone who has supported us over the past year through our Donor Circles, Annual Giving Campaign and special projects. We would also like to convey our heartfelt thanks to those who generously donated the value of their tickets to postponed events.
This list is current as of 8 August 2024.


Sisyphus Foundation, Graeme Wood Foundation, The Humanity Foundation, Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation


Liz Nielsen


The Late Jeremy Davis AM


Our Maestro Circle is a circle of giving that allows for a deep connection to Erin Helyard and supports his vision for Pinchgut Opera and our commitment to artistic excellence.

Leading Patron ($10,000+)

Justice François Kunc and Ms Felicity Rourke, in memory of Lidia Kunc


This program allows Pinchgut to continue to secure some of the world’s greatest singers and also to encourage and nurture the next generation of Australian singing talent.

Leading Patron ($10,000+)

Emily & Yvonne Chang

Supporting Patron ($5,000+)

Nena Beretin, John Claudianos Andrew Goy, Anonymous (3)


Lead Patrons
Margie Seale and David Hardy
Claire Wivell Plater and James Kirby
Jennifer Dowling
François Kunc and Felicity Rourke
Suzanne Kirkham

Supporting Patrons
David Mathlin and Camilla Drover
Michael Pain and Sarah Giles
Robin Low
Peter and Carolyn Lowry
Andrew Allen and Sarah Nettleton
Rebecca Davies
Pru and Peter Davenport
Tony and Amanda Gill
Anthony and Annie Whealy


Principal Supporter

Norman Gillespie

Dr Douglas Sturkey


In honour of the significant legacy Taryn Fiebig has created through her inspiring body of work, Pinchgut Opera has established the Taryn Fiebig Scholar program for an emerging Australian opera singer of special potential. 

Foundation Partner

Sisyphus Foundation

$2,000 and above

Australian Philanthropic Services Foundation, Emily and Yvonne Chang, Toula & Nicholas Cowell, Ian Dickson and Reg Holloway, Humanity Foundation, Dr Glynis Johns, Justice François Kunc and Ms Felicity Rourke, Ian and Pamela McGaw, Helen Meddings, Barbara Messerle and Edward Curry-Hyde, Nicholas and Caroline Minogue, Frances Muecke, Trevor Parkin, Shane & Danielle Simpson, Dr Mark Walker, Graeme Wood Foundation, Hon J Campbell QC & Mrs Campbell Anonymous (2)

$1,999 and below

John Allard, Vivien Ball, Susie Bennetts, Diana Berger, Jennifer Blackman, Andrew Blanckensee, Mairead Browne, Craig Campbell, Wendy Cobcroft, Mr. Donald Denoon, Candice Docker, The Elliott Family, Ross and Mary Louise Fernley, The Hon. Mary Finn, Richard Fisher AM & Diana Fisher, Michael Fong, Deborah Fox, Dr Marguerite Foxon, Sally Glover, Alvaro Gonzalez, Mindy Green and Steve McDonald, Maryllis Green-Armytage, Gavan Griffith AO, Edmund Griffith, Christine Gunn, Ailsa Hocking and Dr Bernard Williams, Roslyn Howell, John Hughes, Margaret and Peter Janssens, Beate Josephi, Kains Family, Lilly Krienbuhl, Kerry Landman, Bruce Lane, Alexandra Lavau, Melody Lord, Stephen Morey, Bill and Helen Naylor, Nicky Nixon, Amanda Noakes, Miki Oikawa, Dagmar Elizabeth Pidd, Alex Oonagh Redmond, David Sciascia, Stephen Shanasy, Michael Sharpe, Wendy Sharpe, Lindsay Silbert, Hywel Sims, David Skewes, R. Slattery and A. Collette, Ruth Spence-Stone, Phillipa Stewart and Matthew Yates, Catherine Storey, Leslie C Thiess, Greg Turner, Barry Walsh, Fidye Westgarth, Anonymous (13)


We'd like to thank the following generous donors who have supported filming our productions for Pinchgut At Home. This allows us to preserve the unique live experience of a Pinchgut Opera production and ensure that audiences around the world can share in the delights of our music for decades to come. 

Monika Kwiatkowski, Patricia H Reid Endowment Fund, Michael Malone, Emily & Yvonne Chang, Iphy Kallinikos, Anonymous (2).



Emily and Yvonne Chang
Peter Jopling
Iphygenia Kallinikos
Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation
Suzanne Kirkham
Justice François Kunc and Ms Felicity Rourke, in memory of Lidia Kunc
Metal Manufactures Limited
Nick and Caroline Minogue
The Late Margaret Pitt
Patricia H Reid Endowment
Margie Seale and David Hardy
The Late Agnes Sinclair
Sisyphus Foundation
Westpac Good2give
Anonymous (2)

THEODORA - $10,000 TO $19,999

Karin Keighley
Jan Marie Muscio
Prudence and Peter Davenport
Rebecca Davies
Ian Dickson and Reg Holloway
Jennifer Dowling
The Emalyn Foundation
The Humanity Foundation
The Late John Mant
Barbara Messerle and Edward Curry-Hyde
Ian and Pam McGaw
Andrew Peace
Beverley Price
Scentre Group
Anthony and Amanda Gill
Anonymous (3)

DIANA - $5,000 TO $9,999

Carey Beebe
Guido Belgiorno-Nettis and Michelle Belgiorno
Jenny Boddington
Stewart Candlish and Bianca Panizza
John Claudianos
The de Soysa Foundation
John and Irene Garran
Norman Gillespie
Andrew Goy
Ailsa Hocking and Bernie Williams
Elisabeth Hodson
Alan Hyland
Claire Wivell Plater and James Kirby
Emma Johnston and Mark Probert
John Kaldor
Juliet Lockhart
David Mathlin and Camilla Drover
Noel & Donna McIntosh and Family
Helen McMaster
Cathryn McMillan
Michael Pain and Lisa Giles
Dr David and Dr Gillian Ritchie
Anthony Strachan
The Stoneglen Foundation
Jeanne-Claude Strong
Annie and Anthony Whealy
Anonymous (2)

ORFEO - $2,000 TO $4,999

Andrew Allen and Sarah Nettleton
Maia Ambegaokar and Joshua Bishop
Michael Ball
Abby Bloom and Robert Angyal
Stephen Booth and Zorica Rapaich
Henry Burmester and Peter Mason
Hon J C Campbell KC and Mrs
Michael Chesterman in memory of
    Colleen Chesterman

Robert and Julie Clarke
Jean Cockayne
Max and Joan Connery
Janet Cooke
Toula and Nicholas Cowell
Cowell Mirisklavos Foundation
Dammery Family Foundation
Hon Pru Goward AO
Elizabeth Hallett and Richard White
Janway Pty Ltd

Robin Low
Peter Lowry AM and Dr Carolyn Lowry OAM
Alexandra Martin
Julianne Maxwell
Kevin and Deidre McCann
Peter McGrath
Brendan McPhillips
Frances Muecke

Trevor Parkin
Catherine Playoust and Elliott Gyger
Prof Andrew Rosenberg
Beverley Southern
Kerry Thomas
Jennifer Thredgold
Mark Walker
Yim Family Foundation
Anonymous (5)

GRISELDA - $1,000 TO $1,999

Janet Nash and Alan Hauserman
Antoinette Albert
Gillian Appleton
Marco Belgiorno-Zegna
John Biffin
Keith Brister
Judy Butlin
Robert and Carmel Clark
John and Angela Compton
Raoul de Ferranti
Susanne de Ferranti
Julie and Bill Dowsley
David And Jane Duncan
Suellen Enestrom
Terry Fahy

Kay Fell
Dr Marguerite Foxon
Valmae Freilich
John Frew
Robert Furley
Matthew Gerber
Mary-Jane Gething
Regina Graycar
Christine Gunn and Bob Robertson
James M Hardigg
V Hartstein
Janet Holmes à Court AC
Ian Hunt
Michael and Anna Joel
Sue Johnston

Shinji Kakizaki and Paul Arkell
Mathilde Kearny-Kibble
Surveying Solutions PL
Wolf Krueger
Kerry Landman
Mary Jane Lawrie
Diccon and Elizabeth Loxton
In memory of Wes Maley
Chris Maltby
Chris and Jenny Meaney
Stephen Mulligan
Kerry Murphy
Robyn Nicol
Paul O'Donnell
Rod Pobestek

Dr Trish Richardson in memory of
    Andy Lloyd James
Lisbeth Roberts
Felicite Ross
Petrina and Michael Slaytor
Sue Thomson
Graham and Judy Tribe
Laurel Tsang
Ross and Suzanne Tzannes
Harriet Veitch
Kay Vernon
Elizabeth Watson
Glen and Robina Weir
Janice White
Daniel Zucker
Anonymous (4)

JUDITHA - $500 TO $999

Glenyss Allen
Vivienne Bath and Andrew Byrnes
Henry Brender
Thérèse Burnett
Bronwyn and Anthony Carroll
Lynette Casey
Ann-Louise Crotty
Jim Dominguez
Marie-Louise Dreux
Elliott Family
Gabrielle Ewington
Lesley Finn
Peter Fletcher
Dr Marguerite Foxon
Jean Gifford
Allan Gill and Dr Andrew Byrne
Ruth Gough

Carole A P Grace
Jillian Graham
Anita Green
Anthony Gregg
Rohan Haslam
Angela Herscovitch
Dorothy Hoddinott
Michael Horsburgh
Richard and Angela Kirsner
Nicole Lacy
Ralph Lane
Bruce Lane
Béatrice Lang
John Linstead
Alumni Travel
Meg McDonald
Gillian McDonald

Ian Morrison
Beverley Northey
Andrew O'Connor
Roslyn Packer
Giles Parker
Ian and Pip Pattison
Jacqueline Preuss
David Rolph
Robert Sanderson
Ingrid Selene
Michael Taylor
Ann and Larry Turner
Meredith Verge
A. Wheeler
Karen Wilson
Patricia Woolcock
John Yu
Anonymous (10)

PIGMALION - Under $500

Derek Abbott
John Acton
Lyn Aldridge
Geoffrey Alexander
Carolyn Alken
Wendy Amigo
Margaret Anderson
Helen Andreoni
Daina Aspin
David Atmore
Margrit Bachmann
Anna Bailleul
Jeanette Baird
Jock Baird in memoriam Annette
Matt Barden
Jane Barnes
Emily Barrett
Alasdair Beck
Richard Beckett
Carolyn Behm
Helen Belcher
Ian Bennetts
Susie Bennetts
Serena Beresford-Wylie
Carla Bergstrom
Susan Berry
Joseph Bertolini
Angela Bettington
Anita Beuthien
Helen Bilenkij
Julia Blackwood
Catherine Blake Thomas
Gabrielle Bookallil
Kevin Boreham
Chris Borthwick
Neil Botham
Mike Boudry
Bill Bowtell
Barra Boydell
Vicki Brooke
Lynette Brown
David Bryant
Neil and Denise Buchanan
Karen Bugeia
William and Margaret Burton
Christine Butler
Murray Cameron
Brian and Judith Campbell
Mary Jo Capps AM and Lloyd Capps
John Carmody
Rose Carter
Amanda Cartmill
Lisa Cartwright
Susan Carveth
Averill Chase
Roslyn Cheney
Andrew Cheng
Kristen Cherrie
Roger Cherry
Colin Nicholson Chesterman
Jocelyn Chey
Catherine Cheyne-Macpherson
Julia Church
David Churches
Kate Clancy
Lindie Clark
Peter Clayton
Jenny Clift
Wendy Cobcroft
Milton Cohen
Shelagh Coleman
Anne Collett
Paul Compton
Janice Conley
Meredith Conran
Jennifer Coombs
Loretta Coombs
Clive Cooper
Robert Cordukes
Graeme Coss
Esther Cossman
Lucy Costas
Sidney Cox
Nicola Craddock
Rita Crews
Jennifer Crivelli
Murray Crosswell
Desmond Crowley
Jennet Cunnington
Peter Dadak
Lola Davidson
Joy Day
Peter de Jager
Marie Deverill
Dr Robert Dingley
Tania Disney
Candice Docker
Agnes Dodds
Anne Donaldson
Megan Donnelley
Kerrie Donoghue
Fiona Douglas
Janet Doust
Golde Dudell
Sandy Dudgeon
Philippa Duflou
Margaret Duguid
Nita Durham
Hugh Durrant-Whyte
James Easton
Katherine Eccles

Rowena Eddy
Michael Edwards
Patsy Elliott
Roger Elliott
Sophie Emtage
Ian Ernst
Norman Etherington
Mary Evans
Louise Fenley
Jennifer Ferguson
Stuart Ferguson
Lorraine Fildes
James Finnis
Diana Fisher
Josephine Fisher
Margaret Fittock
Geoffrey Fitzhardinge
Janet Flint
Ka Him Michael Fong
Kerith Fowles
Catherine Fox
Tamara Fraser
Noel French
Marie Freyne
Peter Fuller
Fiona Gale
Denys Garden
John Gardiner
Jeannine Garnett
Richard Gastineau-Hills
Judith Genzo
Robert Gertler
Devleena Ghosh
Kay Gibbons
Judith Gibson
James Gillespie
Patricia Glanville-Miller
Sally L Glover
Barbara Goldstein
Alvaro Gonzalez-Lavagnini
Kitta Good
Selwyn Gotlieb
John Graham
Richard Grant
Casey Green
Mindy Green
Jennifer Greenstreet
Jennifer Gribble
John Griffin
Lisa Gropp
Alan Gunther
Lynette M Gurr
Bev Hackett
Paul Hager
Peter Hale
Peter Hales
Henrik Halkier
Gillian Halliday
Bernice Hand
Carolyn Hanna
Kathleen Hannay
Neil and Pamela Hardie
Louise Harkness
John Harrison
Stephanie Harrisson
Richard Hartley
Rachel Hawkeswood
Michael Hayes
Nicholas Hayes
Esther Hayter
Glenda Haywood
Elisabeth Heard
Agnes Heffernan
Roger Henning
Jennifer Hershon
Maria Hinds
Mary Holley
Philippa Hook
Ros Horin
Nick Horn
Barbara Howard
David Howard
Carolyn Howells
Eloise Howse
John Hughes
Warwick Hunter
Louis Hurley
Claudia Hyles
Robert and Margaret Jackson
Judy Jaensch
Jacqueline Jago
Peter James
Punia Jeffery
Ruth Jeremy
Karen Johnson
Elizabeth Johnston
Clive Jones
Gar Jones
Helen Jones
Fiona Joneshart
Beate Josephi
Stephen Jovanovich
Gaynor Kaad
Daniel Kaan
Andrew Kaldor
Shekhar Kalra
Alexander Katsman
Cynthia Kaye
David Kelly
Maria Kelly
Cath Kench
Jillian Kennedy

Patricia Kennedy
Christine Kenworthy
Greg Kerr
Rosemary King
Ayse Kiran
Sue Kirby
Allison Kirkman
Kim Kirkman
Peter Kirkpatrick
Jim Kitay
William Knight
Pramesh Kovoor
Roslyn Laird
Alexandra Lavau
Amanda Laverie
Mark Lennox
Vivian Lewin
Nassier Lim
Sandra Lim
Karl Lindeson
Melody Lord
Jan Lumsden
Terry Lustig
Sue Lyons
Heather MacDonald
Amrit MacIntyre
Dorothy Mackerras
David Mackintosh
Colin MacLeod
Louise Madelaine
Pamela Makey
John Maneschi
Christine Margaret
Paul Markey
Anthea Markowiak
Susan Marshall
Ellen Marshbaum
Paul Mason
Phillip Mathieson
Jill Matthews
Peter Mayer
Michael McAlary
Richard McDonald
Scott McDonald
Ann McFarlane
Lynette McIntyre
Marjory Mckay
Elspeth Mclachlan
Patricia McLagan
Megan McMurchy
Dianne McWilliam
Lillian Melick
Louise Melville
Herbert Menka
Isabella Messina
Dirk Meure
Christine Middleton
Renata Migus
Louise Miller
Dr Jacqueline Milne
Simon Milton
David Mitchell
Robert Mitchell
Denise Moore
Janice Morgan
Ruth Morgan
Adrian Morris
Judy Morton
Gae Mulvogue
Alasdair Murrie-West
Liz Musgrove
Susan Myatt
Dr Anne T A Myers
Liliana Navarro
Diana Neale
Christopher Nelson
Helen Neville
Jonathan Nicholson
Ann Nixon
Charles Nixon
Ted Nixon
Amanda Noakes
Therese Nolan-Brown
Kora Nowak
Mary Nunn
Jennifer O’Brien
Trudi O'Neil
Kate O'Neill
Kathleen Olive
Nicholas Olson
Elizabeth Olsson
Mary Osullivan
Louise Owen
Paul Owens
Deborah Palmer
George Park
Meredith Park
Claire Parkhill
Douglas Paterson
Pip Pattison
Fiona Payne
Trevor Peacock
Patricia Pearse
Elisabeth Peet
Christina Pender
Lynette Petruccelli
Anne Phelan
Kim Phu
Elisabeth Pidd
Laura Power
Sue Preston
Robert Pullar

David Rafferty
Valina Rainer
Gillian Rawlings
Angus Rea
Cristina Regiani
Krythia Reid
Edward Reis
Alexander Richards
John and Heather Rickard
Luis Riebl
Stanley Ritchie
Helen Roberts
Anthony Robinson
Gillian Robinson
Peter Roennfeldt
Penny Rogers
Naomi Roseth
Ana Maria Ross
Sally Ross
Catherine Rostron
Shefali Rovik
Raechelle Rubinstein
Elizabeth Ruthven
Diane Sandrejko
Stephen Sasse
Betty Schlesinger
Kurt Schranzer
Susan Schroeder
Helen Scott
Euan Scott-Bell
Elaine Searle
Patricia Short
Marta Skrbis
Joan Smiley
David Smith
Jane Smith
Jennifer Smith
George Somjen
Rodney Spaz
Richard Spencer
Ernestine Spiegel
Alice Spizzo
Lee Squires
Dalia Stanley
Elizabeth Staraj
Elissa Stathis
Helene Stead
Barbara Steller
Jeffrey Stewart
Matthew Yates and Phillipa Stewart
Helen Still
Marie-Louise Stokes
Margaret Strobl
Alasdair Stuart
Jennifer Sutton
Liz Swain
Fahmi Talib
Clive Tapsell
Inna Tatarinova
Barbara Taylor
Bronwyn Taylor
Charlotte Taylor
Donna Taylor
Linda Taylor
Paul Thom
Fiona Thompson
Helen Thomson
Caroline Thornton
Dominic Thorsen
Frances Tilly
Laura Tingle
John Toogood
Kaye Trainor
Susan Treloar
Paul Trunoff
Mark Tucker
Margaret Tung
Vaughan Turnbull
Greg Turner
Ivana Turner
Jennifer and David Turner
Linda Upfold
David Vance
Peter Vaughan-Reid
Margaret Vickers
Judy Vines
Xiao Yun Wang
Alison Wannan
Christine Watts
Diana Weston
Judith Wheeldon
Roslyn Wheeler
Suzanne Whereat
Dr Peter White
Richard White
David Whitehouse
Graeme Wiffen
Joan Wilcox
Annette Williams
Vera Williamson
Anthony Willis
Susan Wills
Geoffrey Windon
David Wood
Richard Wood
Peter Woolf
Carolyn Wright
Eric WU
Damian Young
George Zaharias
Joy Zhang
Abraham Zulaikha
Anonymous (41)


Share your lasting passion for Pinchgut Opera by making a gift to the Company in your Will. Your generosity will ensure that future generations will experience the pleasure and inspiration that Pinchgut has given you.

We thank the following people who have pledged to leave a legacy for Pinchgut Opera

Gillian Appleton
Stewart Candlish and Bianca Panizza
Helen Meddings in memory of Phil Meddings
Andrew O'Connor
Trevor Parkin
Beverley Price
Anonymous (5) 

We also thank the estates of

The Late Timothy Brian Carey
The Late John Mant
The Late Margaret Pitt
The Late Agnes Sinclair


Pinchgut Opera is extremely grateful to receive support from the organisations below. The assistance they provide is vital to our ability to continue and strive for excellence.

Major Partner
Partners 3
Foundation Partner
NSW Government
Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Foundation
Government Partner
Partners 2
Broadcast Partner
Partners 2
Operational Partner
Media Partner
We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we work and perform, the Gadigal people of the Eora nation – the first storytellers and singers of songs.
We pay our respects to their elders past and present.


  PO Box 291, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2012, Australia
Ticketing and Customer Service 02 9037 3444
International Opera Award Winner Logo

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